Be a UI/UX designer who can practically apply Copy into Layouts.
Copy is an integral part of UI
Taking into account the fact that a web page has rather limited while mobile application screen has a highly limited amount of space that can be used for interaction elements, the copy should witness elaborate and professional approach. As the copy is an integral part of UI design, we believe it should support the same philosophy as any other part of a layout: everything put on the screen or page has to be functional and purposeful. Everything should work for the user.
Copy implemented in an application or a website can and should:
– inform
– communicate
– enable interaction
– enhance navigation
– appeal to feelings
– engage emotions
– create tone and voice
A good piece of copy rarely covers only one of the presented positions. In the vast majority of cases, both designers and copywriters are keen to implement the copy which supplies several functions at the same time improving usability and speeding perception of all the content on the screen or page.
Copy, which contains useful data but is poorly presented, will not work. Copy, which is visually presented in an amazing way but shows the lack of meaning and purpose, will not work. Keep the balance to make everything go round properly. Make meaning and appearance support each other and both aspects will get more powerful in terms of usability.
Efficient and engaging copy content in user interfaces is defined by two equally significant basic criteria: the quality of writing and the appropriate look. Words and visual elements should mutually support each other, exist in harmony and provide organic consistency. So, every single piece of copy should be thoughtfully analyzed and created in a way corresponding to the general design concept and enhancing positive user experience via successful interaction.
Stages when copywriting is involved in the design process
According to everything above mentioned, there are some stages of the design process when professional copywriter can become a great help in the process:
– creating copy presenting user personas and use cases: done by a professional writer on the basis of information obtained from user research, these types of texts can be more efficient, concentrated and concise, which is vital especially in terms of teamwork. As for freelancers in UI/UX design, working alone, our thoughts can be helpful to consider this sort of aspect and perhaps master some new skills in supporting visual solutions with an effective copy;
– creating copy for call-to-action elements;
– creating copy for intro-screens, tutorials, and tooltips;
– creating instructions and notifications for screens and web pages;
– creating the copy for sets of catalog or menu positions;
– creating engaging copy for landing pages;
– creating templates for item descriptions etc.
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